Free Mystery Gifts from the Weather Channel

Free Mystery Gifts from the Weather Channel

You may have heard that The Weather Channel had a bit of a conflict with DirectTV. The Weather Channel is back on the air, though. They’re sending out free mystery gifts from the Weather Channel to their supporters to celebrate. Nobody is quite sure what the item is. It may be worthwhile to make a quick request and see what you get! Especially when the price is $$FREE$$!

6 thoughts on “Free Mystery Gifts from the Weather Channel”

  1. “Guest” above is correct. I work at The Weather Channel. These gifts have already been mailed, and this offer has ended.

  2. I just received an autographed picture of one of the weathermen. Not sure if that was part of this or not.

  3. Thats what I got too…Jim Cantore
    Sorry, that’s not what I thought it was going to be. That’s a hell of a thank you to your viewers. Could have at least been a group photo

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