Money Saving Tip: Organizing Your Closet?

You might wonder how organizing a closet can help save money. It’s simple really. If you know what you have and it is well taken care of, you are less likely to spend money on things you don’t need. That might sound like a simple concept but it truly does work. It’s just a matter of getting started and knowing how to do it.

The Shoes

We all have lots of shoes, that’s just understood. How to sort them out and organize them can be a major challenge. One tip is to use clear shoe boxes. Lay out all of your shoes and take pictures of them and then affix the picture to the outside of each box. Put your least worn shoes on higher shelves but with the picture facing out so you can see what you have. Keep your most worn shoes on shoe racks or in an over the door shoe holder for easy access and viewing. By knowing what shoes, what colors and styles you already have, you are less likely to buy the same or similar style again, saving money. This also keeps your shoes protected so they last longer. Classic styles can be worn for years if taken care of, preventing you from having to go buy the same pair of black dress shoes again.


Instead of a haphazard mash up of clothes hung on hangers and stuffed in wherever they fit, try sorting the clothes. Group similar styles of clothing together, all the button up shirts, then short sleeved shirts, skirts, slacks, dresses. Then within those groupings, sort the clothing by color. It doesn’t have to be in perfect rainbow order, but putting the whites and lights together, then the colors, then the blacks and darks helps you to easily see what you have. People are often surprised to discover that they have several of the same or similar clothing items. By knowing what you have, you are less likely to waste money buying more of the same thing!

The same sorting technique can be done with mens neckties, jewelry, and other accessories like purses and scarves.

Extra Clothes

Store out of season items, or clothing worn by one child and ready to be passed down to another, in clearly labeled storage containers. Divide the clothing up by size and season to make it easier to pull out when needed. Having everything sorted, labeled and stored will help you save money by keeping those items in good shape, and knowing where they are so you don’t re-purchase the things you already own.

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